Napa Solano Painting

LIC #1065153

We offer Residential & Commercial Painting Services
Quality Finish / Best Support / Better Price

We Provide
Professional Services.

Napa Solano Painting is based on a very simple premise – provide world class painting service with a hometown feel and prices that are reasonable for our local clients.

During our time in Napa and Solano County, we’ve not only completed countless impeccable interior and exterior painting jobs, we’ve also made quite a few friends along the way.



Whether we’re painting your exterior walls, a deck, or anything else, you can rest assured that we’ll only be using the best possible paints and weatherproofing materials. It may cost more upfront, but the truth is that the quick decay of lesser materials means you’ll spend more in the long run by having to complete the exterior painting job again.


No matter whether your whole home’s interior needs painting or just a single room, we have the right skills to ensure the job is done right. All of our interior painting services come complete with wall washing, gap caulking, trim painting, and everything else that’s needed to provide new paint that you’ll love.

Pressure Washing

We use industrial-grade pressure washers for all work, which means we have plenty of power at our disposal, but it’s a thin line between the right amount and too much. Paint can be stripped from surfaces and many other forms of damage can happen. All of our technicians have a practiced touch that ensures your surfaces will be clean without any damage.

Contact Us

We go to great lengths to make sure that all our clients are happy every time that they hire us for a job.If at any point you are unsatisfied with anything then you can trust us to listen to your concerns and come up with a solution to put you at ease.

Latest Projects.

Take a look at some of our most recent work.

Residential Exterior


Residential Interior


Commercial Painting

Have a question? Contact Us At

(707) 580 - 2347